Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Boys Are ‘Crafty’ Creatures At Christmas

There is possibly nothing better than showing kids how to create things from very little. Indeed, it is the art of making Christmas gifts, especially for boys, that will often follow them into adult life where they will use skills learned from way back when to make things in their very own homes, etc.

It can be tough deciding on what boys will actually like, but anything that involves making a mess is a sure fire winner! Most boys like anything slimy and messy so be ready to clean up afterwards. However, if it encourages their creative juices, does it really matter?

One such project, which is not messy at all, is the Paper Bag Reindeer. This is easy to make and doesn’t take much hunting around for ‘ingredients’. There is a guide at About.com that will show you how to make your reindeer.

All you need is a brown paper bag, some soft coloured cardboard like project paper and decorative elements like little bells and pompoms.

Don’t make your boys stick to the same style of decoration. Let them experiment so try to have a mix of craft items available for them to work with. They will have fun with this one.

Lastly, available from the same site, is a Candy Cane Mouse Holder. This clever little trick allows boys to learn the craft of sewing while they are making a gift for someone. The mouse looks quite cute when finished and the candy canes actually form the tail of the mouse. You will need a hot glue gun for this one, so you’ll have to help them out.

There is no need for your kids to be bored at Christmas time - whether in the lead up or even the aftermath. Get them involved in making decorations and fun Christmas-related crafts and you’ll all have fun.

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