Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How Music Helps Child Development

Who knows if your child has any musical skills, but finding out can be fun and have the added benefit of aiding their development. Learning a musical instrument can build a child’s confidence, foster creativity and provide a great sense of achievement.

With pre-schoolers, singing nursery rhymes helps with speech and language development that can result in an expanded vocabulary as they learn new songs. It can help with mathematics as music requires counting the beats to keep in time and as most instruments require some level of coordination, it will be developed as well.

Often schools encourage children to play together or in an orchestra which helps them develop social skills and empathy. By having to work together to create the right sound at the right time, children learn how to take their turn and be part of a team. Playing in front of an audience will not only help with their self-expression but it will build their confidence.

As your child sees their musical skills improve, it will give them a real sense of achievement. Children aren’t the most patient of people but when they learn to sing or play a musical instrument they come to learn that persistence brings improvement. That’s a valuable life lesson.

It takes a lot of concentration as well as mind and body control to master a musical instrument. Even if your child doesn’t stick with it, he or she will benefit from their learning.

If your child has talent, their musical ability and constant learning can bring them joy for all of their life.

Of course, you might have a little genius on your hands….

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