Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How To Throw A Boomerang

A great activity for anyone is throwing a boomerang.  As long as it is done outside in a safe environment it is not only great exercise but great fun.  Getting the angles right, allowing for the wind, imparting enough spin and throwing the boomerang at the right speed are techniques required but not that hard to perfect with a bit of practice.   It’s an activity that boys will love because it’s so “hands on”.

The Boomerang Association of Australia has a great website that explains in more detail how to throw the boomerang as well as a lot of other information and resources.  This website also provides details on where to buy the correct type of boomerang as well as information on clubs and competitions.
After you have learnt how to throw the boomerang and make it return you need to work out how to catch it.  This is actually not as hard or dangerous as it seems.  When you have perfected the technique of getting the boomerang to return it should not be flying too hard at you and in some cases it almost hovers near you.  When this occurs all you need to do is clap your hands together making sure the boomerang is between your closed hands.  Again, with a bit practice you will find this is not hard as it seems.  A simple competition you can have is to see how many times you can catch the boomerang without dropping it.

If you get the chance, give it a try as it is great fun and a fantastic outdoor activity.

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